Friday, 22 February 2008

Crafting a Green World

This beautiful tie rose is one of the images I used in my first post up today for Crafting a Green World part of the Green Options blog network. I'm really pleased to be asked to contribute to this blog so I'll be posting every Friday, be sure to check them out. Its quite daunting but I'm sure I'll get into the swing of it, and with a bit of luck it might make posts on here a little more frequent.

Also this week I uploaded new Hot Dogs to my
etsy shop these little guys are filled with wheat and lavender so a short blast in the microwave is all they need to keep you warm for a couple of hours.

Right down to business, I got tagged this week by a good friend, the very talented Clare Nicolson so it seams I have to share with you 7 random things about myself, I'm not all that good at sharing but here goes....
1. I was born in Quito, Ecuador and lived there for the first year of my life.

2. I'm just a bit horse obsessed, but I guess that's quite obvious - the clue's in the name.

3. I have a beautiful but slightly daft Lurcher called Kippen who we got from the rescue center about 2 and a half years ago and I really can't imagine life without.

4. I enjoy cooking and love trying new recipes but despite this my signature dish continues to be 'veg in a pan'.

5. I have 2 Honours degrees, the first was in Sociology and Social Policy at Glasgow University, 3 years after graduating and realising that I really wanted a creative career I went to Glasgow School of Art and studied Product Design.

6. I have a very sweet tooth I'm utterly obsessed by cake, you know the sponge ones with too much butter icing? mmm....

7. In September this year I will be getting married to a wonderful man, my best friend, Michael.

So now you know.

I'm tagging two good friends, Nuria at Ink Thread and Mairi at her very new blog Mairi Ritchie Floral Designs - you're it!


Inkthread Press said...

oh've tagged me, now I'll have to think of something clever to say!We still have to arrange and meet for lunch... where does time go?

Abigail A. Percy said...

Brilliant news about your blogging spot on Crafting...congrats!

Also, LOVE the new hot dogs - I love Airedales, and think I am going for a mini one {Lakeland Terrier} when I get a pooch in the near future! I think I may have to snap up one of these as well ;)

speak to you soon! have a great wk-end..xo

Flashy_Shades said...

those hot dogs are a fantastic idea! i am quite impressed by your etsy